The Talents’ Academy is dedicated to attracting and retaining the most promising students, who receive a stipend enabling them to devote themselves entirely to their studies.
The E2S UPPA project offers merit-based scholarships to 3rd-year (L3), 4th-year and 5-year (Master) students in the fields of Energy and the Environment.
Pau Campus - ENSGTI
The ceremony rewarding the 2021-2022 recipients of this merit scholarship, which should have taken place on December 9, 2021 in Pau, is postponed due to Covid-19.
The Pau and Adour region CLOUS (local university student service centre) provides UPPA students with university housing.In Pau 1 university hall of residence 7...
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The Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour is closed from 23/12/2023 to 08/01/2024 inclusive.We wish you all a very happy festive season!