2024-05 The Sol Schneider Award 2024 goes to a researcher in the SIAME lab

The Sol Schneider Award 2024 goes to a researcher in the SIAME lab

Laurent Pecastaing, a researcher at the "Sciences pour l'ingénieur appliquées à la mécanique et au génie électrique (SIAME)" laboratory, has been named winner of the prestigious international "Sol Schneider Award" 2024. The award was presented at the IEEE International on Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference (IPMHVC) in Indianapolis, USA, at the end of May.

The Sol Schneider Award is presented every 2 years by the high-power pulsed electrical community. It recognizes the technical and administrative services, contributions and leadership of a leading international scientist in the field of power modulators and/or high voltage.

The winner is selected on the basis of ongoing contributions to research, development and technology in the research field concerned. It also recognizes the ability to promote high-voltage physics and engineering, as well as the capacity to lead collaborative work on the international scene.

Laurent Pécastaing with Tom Huiskamp, winner of the Kenneth J. Germeshausen Award.



The award was presented on May 30, 2024 at the IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference in Indianapolis. At this event, Laurent Pécastaing also had the opportunity to give a plenary lecture presenting recent contributions on high-power pulsed technologies developed at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour.

Laurent Pécastaing, a teacher at ENSGTI and researcher at the SIAME laboratory, was selected this year to receive this prestigious award. He is only the second European to win this award after Bucur Novac, professor at Loughborough University in the UK and holder of the PULPA international chair supported by UPPA's Solutions for Energy and the Environment (E2S) program.