The Royal Academy of Chemistry Publishes a Book Authored by IPREM ResearchersEnvironmental Nanopollutants: Sources, Occurrence, Analysis and Fate
Nanopollutants are nanoparticles that have escaped into the environment and can include engineered nanoparticles as well as nanoparticles that are products of degradation (e.g. nanoplastics) or other processes. As many of these particles are only recently developed or described there is still a lot to learn about where they come from, where they end up and what risks they pose to health and the environment.
Offering a wide overview of the most recent research on these emerging contaminants, from the investigation of their sources and fate to the analytical developments for their detection and analysis, this book gives the reader a full picture of the global research on engineered and natural nanoparticles in the environment.
Taking a forward-looking perspective with chapters on new nanopollutants, regulatory direction and occurrence in different environmental compartments, this book is a great resource for anyone working in environmental chemistry, nanoscience or environmental regulation.