
The First International Forum on Research at UPPA

The Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA) organized for the first time an international forum on transitions. The 5 selected themes corresponded to the new research missions of UPPA. These missions are interdisciplinary and have societal stakes.

Each session was introduced by a renowned speaker, then the research carried out at UPPA was illustrated through short presentations and mini-films, before giving way to exchanges in a panel discussion.

These three intense and exciting days allowed to cross the views (and the arguments) on the evolution of our world.

Please use the links below to watch the videos of the conferences.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2021  Day #1

 Location: Biarritz

  • 9:00am | Opening ceremony: Laurent Bordes, UPPA President
  • 9:30-10:15am | Introductory conference: Steven Beissinger, Ecology and Conservation Biology at UC Berkeley and co-Director of the Berkeley Institute for Parks
    “Surviving Covid and Climate Change”
    What does living through a pandemic and climate change have in common? More than you think, if you want to be a survivor and hope to bring the rest of life – biodiversity – with us. Understanding the impact of Covid-19 and climate change has three dimensions. It starts with exposure (to a pathogen or a change in climate), and then depends on sensitivity (of people to the virus, or species to the climate – both are highly variable). The final dimension is adaptation, which reflects responses that reduce future exposure and sensitivity. I place these concepts in perspectives I’ve gained from retracing the steps of a famed early 20th century ecologist and professor at UC Berkeley, Joseph Grinnell, across California, and the ambitious agenda that drives E2S in search of solutions for energy and environment.

  • 10:30am-1:00pm | Session #1 “Adapting coastal, forest and mountain ecosystems to make them more resilient”
    Chaired by Stéphane Abadie (SIAME, UPPA)

    | Introductory conference: Jean-Paul Vanderlinden, Ecological Economics and Environmental Studies, CEARC Director, Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University
    “Adaptation and resilience, transition: insights from afar”
    I will share results related to two areas that are far from us: three communities in the circumpolar Arctic and three communities in the Mekong Delta. These local communities are facing major environmental upheavals; the concepts of adaptation and resilience, of transition, are very topical. I will ask the question of a reconceptualization of these three concepts in the face of these experiences. I will also ask the question of the interest, in the perspective of the challenges we face, of shifting our gaze in order to consider, through what is happening elsewhere, what is possible here.
    | Research at UPPA: “The notion of resilience in current research projects at UPPA and how the dialogue with society is organized”
    - Mini-film (in French): Science for Environmental Resilience
    Mini-film (in French): The Study of Micropollutants on Water Quality in Coastal Areas
    - Christine Bouisset (TREE, CNRS-UPPA): “Coping with environmental change and being resilient? Obstacles and levers for action”
    - Volker Roeber (SIAME, UPPA): “Development of numerical models for the assessment of coastal hazards and marine renewable energy”
    - David Amouroux (IPREM, CNRS-UPPA): “Transitions and Aquatic Contaminations from the Pyrenees to the Atlantic Coast”
    | Round table discussion animated by Christine Bouisset and Mathilde Monperrus (UPPA):
    - Thierry Pigot (IPREM, CNRS-UPPA)
    - Caroline Sarrade (Communauté d'Agglomération Pays Basque authority)
    - Yves Lesgourgues (Groupama Forêt)
    - Éric Sourp (Pyrenees National Park)

  • 2:00-4:30pm | Session #2 “Reconciling research and development with a safe environment and a preserved biodiversity”
    Chaired by Valérie Bolliet (ECOBIOP, INRAE-UPPA)

    | Introductory conference (via Teams): Albert Ruhi, Rausser College of Natural Resources, UC Berkeley
    Albert Ruhi is a freshwater ecologist motivated by research questions revolving around the ecology, biodiversity, and conservation of streams and wetlands. He is particularly interested in how the higher levels of biological organization (communities, metacommunities, and food webs) respond to global change stressors—focusing on the effects of hydrologic variability and drought.
    | Research at UPPA:
    - Mini-film (in French): Salmon in a Changing Climate
    - Séverine Le Faucheur (IPREM, CNRS-UPPA): “Ecotoxicology of chemical contaminants in inland waters in the context of global change”
    - Fabrice Riem (CDRE, UPPA): “Thinking about the adjustment of natural resources and social needs” (ongoing program around the issue of food security)
    | Round table animated by Fabrice Riem and Séverine Le Faucheur: “Prudent and rational use of natural resources”
    - Ioan Negrutiu (ENS Lyon, Michel-Serres Institute)
    - Olivier Hamant (ENS Lyon, Michel-Serres Institute)
    - Alain Bernard (UPPA professor emeritus)
    - Cédric Tentelier (ECOBIOP, INRAe-UPPA)

Thursday, September 23, 2021 Day #2

 Location: Pau

  • 9:00-11:00am | Session #3 “Organizing energy subsidiarity at the territorial scale”
    Chaired by Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot (LFCR, CNRS-TotalEnergies-UPPA) and Louis de Fontenelle (TREE, CNRS-UPPA)

    | Introductory conference: Marc Fontecave
    , Collège de France, Laboratory of Chemistry of Biological Processes
    The Energy Transition: Today and Tomorrow”
    Climate and environmental issues require the advent of an energy transition towards a new world, one that is more economical, more electric and less CO2 emitting. This transition, which is already underway, will only be effective with massive investments in fundamental, technological and industrial research, and in innovation. We will discuss the current energy situation, the realistic scenarios we can envision, the scientific and technological challenges we must face, in particular those related to the definition of the appropriate energy mix, the decarbonization of the most emitting sectors (transport, housing, industry), the rise of intermittent renewable energies, the need for new infrastructures for large-scale energy storage, etc.
    | Research at UPPA:
    - Mini-film (in French): The Energy Transition on a Territory Scale
    Xavier Arnauld de Sartre (TREE, CNRS-UPPA): The subsoil, from the acceptability of technologies to the politicization of an environment”
    - Anthony Ranchou-Peyruse (IPREM, CNRS-UPPA): Injection of New Gases into Deep Aquifers for Natural Gas Storage”
    - Hervé Martinez (IPREM, CNRS-UPPA): All Solid State Batteries for Electric Vehicles and Alternative Energy Storage”

  • 11:15am-1:00pm | Round table discussion animated by Pierre Cézac (LATEP, UPPA) and Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot (LFCR, CNRS-TotalEnergies-UPPA): “Energy Subsidiarity, an example of public-private convergence”
    - Sophie Mourlon, Director General of Energy and Climate at the Ministry of Ecological Transition (videoconferencing)
    - Marc Fontecave (Collège de France)
    - Robert Armstrong (MIT)
    - Dominique Mockly (Térega)
    - Céline Vautrelle (Enedis)
    - Denis Bortzmeyer (Arkema)

  • 2:00-4:30pm | Session #4 “Representing and building the territories of the future”
    Chaired by Xavier Arnauld de Sartre (TREE, CNRS-UPPA) and Christian Laborderie (SIAME, UPPA)
    Introductory conference
    : Jean Haëntjens
    , economist and urban planner
    Representing and Building the Territories of the Future
    Historically, territorial planning has been based on the resonance between objective factors – ecological resources and limits, available technologies, economic models, etc. – and socio-political visions that combine these factors with varying degrees of consistency. In 2020, we are at a point where most of the objective factors that have shaped space over the last fifty years – technology, economic models, resources, aspirations – are being challenged by reality. This particularly open context constitutes a great opportunity for the implementation of transition policies. To seize this opportunity, however, strong representations are needed, in order to organize this “opening up of possibilities.” It is by relying on a combination of principles and experiments that we will be able to build them.
    | Alain Lamassoure (former minister, European deputy, local representative)
    | Research at UPPA:
    - Laurent Jalabert (ITEM, UPPA) : Imagining the cities of the future: a few utopias of the past...”
    - Hélène Carré and Céline Bascoulès (SIAME, UPPA): What are the changes in materials and skills for the construction of tomorrow?”
    | Round table discussion
    animated by Christian Laborderie (SIAME, UPPA)
    - Laurent Jalabert (ITEM, UPPA)
    - Jean Haëntjens (Urbatopies)

  • 5:00-6:30pm | “International Ambition - New Opportunities for UPPA”
    Chaired by Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot (LFCR, CNRS-TotalEnergies-UPPA) and Charlotte Tavernier (International Relations, UPPA)
    Introductory conference: Robert Armstrong
    , Department of Chemical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Director of the MIT Energy Initiative
    Making Informed Decisions for the Energy Transition”
    As we accelerate on the path to net-zero emissions, decarbonizing the energy sector, which accounts for about 75% of greenhouse gas emissions, is a priority. Here we look at how interactions among the four segments of the energy sector – power, transportation, industry, and buildings – are increasingly important and challenging. This cross-sectoral coupling provides a multitude of pathways for creating decarbonized energy systems. Because of variations in regional energy resources, different countries will no doubt select different pathways and energy systems to meet their needs. This diversity of options leads to ample opportunities for collaboration across academia, industry, and government.
    | Presentation of international university partnerships with UPPA:
    - Northwestern University
    - UC Berkeley
    - Sichuan University
    - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
    - University of Seville
    | Focus on cooperation models:
    - David Grégoire (LFCR, CNRS-TotalEnergies-UPPA)
    - Laurent Billon (IPREM, CNRS-UPPA)
    - Cédric Tentelier (ECOBIOP, INRAE-UPPA)
    - Olivier Lecucq (DICE, CNRS-AMU-UTLN-UPPA)
    - Ernesto Exposito (LIUPPA, UPPA)
    - Giuseppe Buscarnera (Northwestern University, videoconferencing)
    - Steven Beissinger (UC Berkeley)
    - Denise Pires de Carvalho (Universidade Federale do Rio de Janeiro)


Friday, September 24, 2021 Day #3

 Location: Pau

  • 9:30-11:30am | Session #5 “Re-assessing borders and rising up to the challenge of differences”
    Chaired by Hélène Laplace-Claverie (ALTER, UPPA)
    Meeting with David Diop (ALTER, UPPA), hosted by Pierre Vilar (ALTER, UPPA)
    David Diop, associate professor at UPPA, is the winner of the Goncourt des Lycéens 2018 and the International Booker Prize 2021 for his novel At Night All Blood is Black. He is currently on the list for the Goncourt 2021 for his new novel La Porte du voyage sans retour.
    This meeting with the teacher-researcher and writer will be an opportunity to discuss with him the borders that cross a writing journey: borders of languages and uses, borders of time, borders of genres, borders of knowledge and fiction, of scientific research and imagination...

    | Research at UPPA:
    - Géraldine Bachoué-Pédrouzo (CDRE, UPPA) : “Cross-border cooperation”
    - Isabelle Chort (TREE, CNRS-UPPA): “The border as a place of investigation: changes in migratory flows on the northern and southern borders of Mexico”
    | Round table discussion animated by Nadia Mékouar-Hertzberg (ALTER, UPPA):
    - Itziar Alkorta Idiakez (Civil Law, University of the Spanish Basque Country UPV/EHU)
    - Géraldine Bachoué-Pédrouzo (CDRE, UPPA)
    - Sébastien Velut (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle)
    - Jamal Bouoiyour (TREE, CNRS-UPPA)

  • 12:00-1:00pm | “International Ambition - European Alliances”
    Chaired by Mohamed Amara (UPPA)
    Animated by Denis Varaschin, President of the University of Savoie Mont Blanc
    | Introductory conference: Carle Bonafous-Murat, former president of the Paris 3 University Sorbonne Nouvelle, permanent delegate of the Conference of University Presidents to Europe in Brussels
    “European Universities, the Model, the Perspectives - General Presentation”
    | Round table:

    - The UNITA Alliance: Stefano Geuna (Rector of the University of Turin, Italy)
    - UNIZAR/UPPA Cross-Border Cooperation: Francisco Beltran (Vice-rector of International Affairs of the University of Saragossa)

  • 1:00-1:15pm | Closing remarks: Laurent Bordes, President of UPPA, Isabelle Baraille, Vice-President of UPPA in charge of Research, Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot, Executive Director of E2S UPPA

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