
UPPA wins a new France 2030 call for projects"Acceleration of the Development Strategies of Higher Education and Research Institutions"

In mid-April 2023, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research unveiled the results of its call for projects to accelerate the development strategies of higher education and research institutions (ASDESR). The University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour is one of 44 winners, out of some 50 applications submitted, which will share a total of 200 million euros.

This program aims to support the implementation of a policy of sustainable development of resources based on a well-defined institutional strategy. State aid is concentrated on human resources, one of the main objectives being to recruit and retain staff with rare skills in higher education and research, and to ensure that they are financed by new resources linked to the development of the activity concerned.

The focus of the call was on lifelong learning and access to European funding, but other types of activity were also eligible, such as heritage development and sponsorship.

Just over 5 million euros for UPPA

The project of the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour, called "Europe, Training and Innovation Development (DEFI) - UPPA 2030", will benefit from 5 241 816 euros for its three components:

- Increased success in responding to European calls for projects, in research and training, with the creation of a dedicated desk for the professional support of researchers and teachers-researchers in responding to European calls for projects, in order to consolidate UPPA's status as an international center of excellence in its areas of specialization;

- An offer of training through apprenticeship and work-study programs that is more extensive in order to meet the increased demand for interdisciplinary skills and to strengthen professional integration. UPPA must propose an original offer of lifelong training (FTLV) that relies on an exceptional instrumental force in the fields of energy and the environment;

- The creation of a partnership foundation to welcome up to 200 talented students from local, national and international areas to our training programs at all levels, and to attract numerous professionals from the private sector to implement new engineering practices in our research laboratories, training programs and support structures.


Consult the list of winners

Read the government press release (in French)

View the government press kit (in French)