Summer schools 2021 : Artificial Photosynthesis Summer School (Anglet)

Summer school : "Artificial Photosynthesis Summer School"La Chambre d’Amour, Anglet - Registration before 30/09/2021

Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour - UPPA is a multidisciplinary university offering a wide range of summer schools and short programs in French, Spanish and English throughout the year.

These unique programs will allow you to develop new skills and increase your knowledge, while creating new academic, scientific and professionnal networks.

Our international summer schools and short programs are aimed at undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate students as well as researchers and professionals by providing high level teaching and expertise.

Summer school : "Artificial Photosynthesis Summer School"

La Chambre d’Amour, Anglet - Dates: 20/10/2021 – 23/10/2021

The goal of this summer school is to give an overview on different APS related fields, core of the H2020 ITN eSCALED and E2S UPPA INTERMAT International chair and EnSuITe Hub projects . That enables the discussion among the different disciplines by inviting scientific experts recognized in APS linked areas to share the state of art with the young researchers who will build the sustainable novel energies in the near future. Moreover, the Young participants will be also invited to present their work (oral/poster) in the specific sessions to open the discussion with the experts. Read more